Thanksgiving Wiki

Eric Newlon was a police detective and the main antagonist in Thanksgiving. He was the first John Carver killer and the mastermind of the 2023 Thanksgiving Murders. He was the soon-to-be father of an unborn child with Amanda Collins, and sought justice against Jessica Wright and her friends for starting the RightMart riot and subsequent massacre. He accidentally unmasked himself and was supposedly killed by Jess after she put her mother's bracelet in a gun and caused an explosion that engulfed him in flames.

Eric was portrayed by Patrick Dempsey.


Early Life[]

Eric seemingly has never been married, but began a secret relationship with Amanda and as a result, they conceived a child. After her death, Eric felt anger about losing his unborn child and lover and this only worsened when her death was ruled an accident.

He later formed a plan to don the John Carver persona and outfit. Eric took his position as a Plymouth Sheriff and kept up his appearance as one while he began killing.

2023 Thanksgiving Murders[]


Committed Murders[]


File:LizzieDeath.jpg Lizzie McMullen Cut in half by a dumpster lid. Thanksgiving
File:MannyDeath.jpeg Manny Stabbed in stomach with electric carving knife and decapitated. Thanksgiving
File:LonnieDeath.jpg Lonnie Head twisted and broken neck. Thanksgiving
File:AmyDeath.jpg Amy Stabbed in the foot, hand, and back. Thanksgiving
File:YuliaDeath.jpg Yulia Arm and stomach shredded on a buzzsaw. Thanksgiving
File:TurkeyDeath.jpg Lionel Decapitated. Thanksgiving
File:KathleenDeath.jpg Kathleen Wright Cooked alive and decapitated. Thanksgiving
File:EvanDeath.jpg Evan Fletcher Bashed in the head repeatedly. Thanksgiving



  • Unborn child † - Via Amanda



Notable Quotes[]

Before Reveal[]

  • "TBA"

After Reveal[]

  • "If only you'd have been stuck on the fence a second longer."
  • "Sorry Jessica... this year, there will be... no leftovers!"

As Carver[]

  • "Dinner is served."


  • TBA.


Carver Placeholder
Eric Newlon has a Photo Gallery.


Character Guide[]

